Wednesday, March 4, 2015

My Why: Part 2 of 3

Monday I started my blog and today, I'm going to discuss why I decided on essential oils and primarily, why I chose to work with dōTERRA. I will have one more post on Friday so make sure you stay tuned for Part 3!

I was introduced to essential oils when I was in college. I like using them as alternatives to using anything else for my healthcare. I dabbled with different brands on and off for the next decade. When I was pregnant with my oldest daughter, I decided I was going to eat healthier, for her sake. After her birth, I was eating my lunch and I had a banana with it. Half way through eating it, my mouth began to itch and my throat felt like it was closing. Knowing a few people with food allergies, I knew this was an allergic reaction. But I had never been allergic to bananas! So a week later I decided to try another banana I purchased at a different store, and sure enough, the same reaction.

After receiving allergy testing, it turned out not only was I allergic to bananas, but also melons (I never liked them growing up anyway), sesame seeds, eggs, and my biggest reaction was to corn. CORN!?!?! Corn is in EVERYTHING. So I started my research in the midst of cutting all corn out of my diet as well as beauty products. Which meant, I basically began making all my meals from scratch. Suddenly, my fatigue began to lift. My depression began to disappear. My skin looked fabulous. Not to mention I began to lose weight by cutting out all processed foods. And suddenly, my back, shoulders, jaw, knees, and every other joint inflammation, started to die down (unfortunately this was the beginning of my Rheumatoid Arthritis). Finding out I had a food allergy was the beginning of a full on lifestyle change for me.

The next year, I became a stay at home mom (SAHM for those who aren't familiar with the slang) because I gave birth to our second daughter. Daycare was as much as my salary at the time and we figured, we'd rather have me home than working. This helped me to dive into an amazing exercise routine and I met Heather who owns Sweat Like a Girl (now located in Nazareth). I was absolutely in love with a healthier lifestyle and I daydreamed about moving to the middle of nowhere to raise our own food too (this should probably never happen because my thumb is the opposite of green - I've managed to kill 4 out of these 9 houseplants which are supposedly impossible to kill). Then we welcomed our third child, a son, in 2013. Homemade meals are a given, because now 3 of our 5 family members have severe food allergies. But I wanted something more to help our family, to get away from all the sick visits to the doctor everyone associates kids with.

A mom friend in an online group posted about dōTERRA and their enrollment promo last year. Even though Jenn and I had never met in person, this was a fellow mom friend I had talked with, and cried with, for 3 years. 

I know dōTERRA is a larger company, but since working with them, I've learned so much about their business practices as well as their amazing Healing Hands Foundation. Did you know they don't actually own any of the farms where their plants, flowers, trees that are used for the essential oils are from? They are all owned by local farmers in indigenous regions around the globe. dōTERRA works closely with their growers and the local populations with clean water standards, fair wages and working time in poverty regions.

And I simply love the products. I love the fact they are a younger company but completely debt free, they have scientific backing, and they are 100% pure and certified pure therapeutic grade (CPTG). Each batch is tested to be free from any and all fillers or synthetics in 5 different analytical methods. They are blindly tested by 3rd party independent laboratories. All of our oils are produced on natural farms globally to get the highest yielding essential oils. Lavender is grown in France, Arborvitae is from the Pacific Northwest, and Cardamom is from Guatemala to name a few.

So I threw caution to the wind (after discussing with my husband - he's now an avid users as well!) and enrolled.

I had initially intended to use the products simply for myself. And you know what? Our sick visits became nearly nonexistent. Not necessarily with the oils per say, but the entire healthy lifestyle we now live. But as I started learning more and more about my essential oils, I felt I had to share with many of my other mom friends who were looking for more natural care for themselves and their children. I liked that I didn't need to purchase oils every month, nor did I need to hit a quota like many other companies. It felt like a costco or sam's club membership. I couldn't complain about the $35 enrollment fee (which was waved with an enrollment kit). Plus the compensation plan is phenomenal, which definitely helped get me interested in starting this as a business.

DōTERRA offers an amazing give back program, their Loyalty Rewards Points (or LRP). I now receive 30% back on all my LRP orders as well as 100% back in shipping costs. When I order 125 Product Volume (PV) by the 15th of each month, I receive their Product of the Month (POM). POM is offered each month but is only available to existing Wellness Advocates (WA) and one purchase per month. This month, I will receive a free 15 mL bottle of Wild Orange

DōTERRA also offers a 200 PV promotional every quarter. This month, when I purchase 200 PV, not only do I receive a free 5 mL bottle of Deep Blue (the soothing blend), but I also receive a free bottle of the Deep Blue Rub. I go through all of those oils so often. They're great to use after I do a strenuous workout, like this morning's snow shoveling.

DōTERRA even has a 10% off special every month, available to anyone. I mean, there are so many ways to get free stuff with dōTERRA for being a loyal customer. 

Plus, they have a fast delivery. I often order on a Sunday night or Monday morning. I typically get my shipment within 3 business days simply by placing a normal delivery LRP order. It's fantastic service. If I ever have had a problem with shipments or question with my items, their customer service is impeccable. They are available online and by phone during business hours, or I can email dōTERRA after hours.

I love that dōTERRA is a natural alternative than what my family was using. I keep finding unused bottle of allergy something or other or headache stuff that I can now throw out, simply because we don't need them anymore. Or I can take vitamins once again without fear of corn. I'm excited that my family has been able to live healthier this past year, and I can honestly thank my oils for that. If you want more information, you can find me on FB. I'll be transitioning my Spoiled By Oils PA to Keystone Oiler over the course of a few months as well as building a website. If you are interested in joining my team, you can visit my dōTERRA page. We have team members all over the United States as well as Canada. If you are in another country, there is a strong chance you can enroll too! You can also email me at or We have all types of dōTERRA wellness advocates on our team, users, sharers, and even builders and we have a place for you too. 

So jump on board because I'd love to personally mentor you too!

God Bless,


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